CNN repercute os vetos de Dilma ao Novo Código Florestal

Segue vídeo da Rede de TV norte-americana CNN sobre os vetos ao novo Código Florestal feitos pela presidente Dilma Rousseff. Sugiro pôr reparo em três coisas na reportagem: Primeiro a na contradição da Madre Marina de Xapuri dizendo que quer os vetos, mas hoje insatisfeita com os vetos; segundo na forma sera como a Senadora Katia Abreu colocou um dos problemas fundamentais do Código Florestal: o que fazer com os produtores rurais que terão seus imóveis inviabilizados pela lei; terceiro a forma com os jornalistas internacionais se preocupam apenas com a Amazônia. A reforma do Código Florestal teve principalmente o objetivo de regular a agricultura fora da Amazônia. As regras para a Amazônia praticamente não foram alteradas pelo novo Código Florestal, mas a repercussão internacional é toda dirigida para aquela região. Vejam o vídeo abaixo. Se necessário usem a ferramenta de tradução do blog.

Sao Paulo, Brazil (CNN) -- Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff on Friday vetoed 12 articles of a controversial forest bill approved by Congress last month, which was promoted by the powerful agriculture lobby but slammed by environmentalists.

The legislation updates the complex Forest Code, regulating how much and what kind of land should be maintained as native forest and how much can be cleared for ranching and agriculture.

Rousseff's decision comes less than a month before Rio de Janeiro is due to host a high-profile U.N. summit on sustainable development. Many Brazilians had pushed for a complete veto, staging protests across the county and collecting 1.9 million signatures for a petition.

Instead, Rousseff opted for line-item vetoes of articles that many said would grant amnesty to those who had illegally cleared land.

She vetoed sections that would have eliminated reforestation requirements and sharply reduced the area around water sources that must be maintained as forest.

The Amazon rainforest covers a huge area, roughly half as large as the United States, with about 60% of it in Brazil.
It is estimated that nearly a fifth of the Brazilian forest has been lost since 1970, but over the past decade, authorities cracked down on clear-cutting, reducing the rate of deforestation by 80%.

Former environment minister and presidential candidate Marina Silva has been a loud critic of the bill.
"It's a setback without precedent after the 23 years of progress we've made," she said.

Sen. Katia Abreu, who represents the agriculture and ranching lobby, said the question of reforesting around rivers is more complicated than it appears.

"There are a lot of people who only have a tiny plot of land which is entirely inside the river margins," she said. "What are they going to do with those people? How are they going to reimburse them?"

For years, the Brazilian government encouraged settlers to slash and burn forests in the sparsely populated center, north and west of the country for farming and ranching.

Over three decades, Brazil went from being a food importer to an agricultural powerhouse.

The new Forest Code has been an attempt to reach a compromise for farmers and environmentalists.


jerson disse…
o código foi escrito pelas ongs, as ongs, reclamaram, e a presidente mudou o item referente a recomposição que podia ser feita com espécies exóticas, agora tem que ser feita com espécies do bioma, por isso gente nós agricultores temos que reclamar e brigar
Luiz Prado disse…
Essa Marina é nojenta!
Tem cara de nojenta, jeito de nojenta, voz de nojenta, arugmentos de nojenta! E comportamento de nojenta, também!
E aí, Marina, você explicar onde foram parar as dezenas de milhões de dólares que entraram no Brasil para as unidades de conservação da Amazônia num programa conhecido como ARPA? E as centenas de milhões de reais que durante o seu reinadinho deveriam ter ido para as unidades de conservação com base na regra da compensação ambiental da lei do SNUC?